Hi guys I'm implementing an F# function that takes two lists of type : (int*float) list. These two lists have different lentgths. The int element of the couple is an increasing code. What I wanted to do is create a new list that will contain a couple (int*float) for each two elements of the two lists that have the same code. It's important to note that codes in lists are in increasing order. These lists are probably a little long, like 2-3000 elements., so I tried to implement this function using continuation passing style in order to avoid StackOverflowExceptions. but sadly i failed.
This is the function, i hope you will give me any hints!
let identifiedDifference list1 list2 =
let rec produceResult (l1, l2) k =
match l1,l2 with
| [],[]
| _,[]
| [],_ -> k []
| (code,rate:float)::xs, (code2,rate2)::ys ->
if code = code2
produceResult (xs, ys) (fun c -> (code,Math.Abs(rate-rate2))::(k c))
elif code > code2
then produceResult (l1, ys) k
else produceResult (xs, l2) k
produceResult (list1, list2) id
I've done something wrong?
(fun c -> (code,Math.Abs(rate-rate2))::(k c))
should be
(fun c -> k ((code,Math.Abs(rate-rate2))::c))
to make it tail-recursive:
let identifiedDifference list1 list2 =
let rec produceResult (l1, l2) k =
match l1,l2 with
| [],[]
| _,[]
| [],_ -> k []
| (code,rate:float)::xs, (code2,rate2)::ys ->
if code = code2 then produceResult (xs, ys) (fun c -> k ((code,Math.Abs(rate-rate2))::c))
elif code > code2 then produceResult (l1, ys) k
else produceResult (xs, l2) k
produceResult (list1, list2) id
This will also fix your results being returned in reverse order.