As shown in the picture above, I want to darken the previous & next items in the ViewPager2
setPageTransformer(object : ViewPager2.PageTransformer {
override fun transformPage(page: View, position: Float) {
page.translationX = -pageTranslationX * position
page.scaleY = 1 - (0.15f * abs(position))
I'm showing the preview with the above snippet, but I couldn't find a way to darken it.
Is there a good solution?
You can utilize the position
parameter, that maps to the current position of the page, to get a color shade based on the page position; this also will benefit in grading the colors between the most darken & most lighten colors so that the color changes gradually:
to get a color based on percentage of the
setPageTransformer(object : ViewPager2.PageTransformer {
override fun transformPage(page: View, position: Float) {
page.translationX = -pageTranslationX * position
page.scaleY = 1 - (0.15f * abs(position))
val startColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.light_blue)
val endColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.dark_blue)
val color = ColorUtils.blendARGB(startColor, endColor, abs(position))
val view = page.findViewById<LinearLayout>( // this is the page fragment root view (make sure to set its id)