Can someone explain to me how to install an Nvidia Tacotron2 on Windows 10? Whatever I've done isn't working.
What part of the instructions is confusing?
1-Download and extract the LJ Speech dataset
2-Clone this repo: git clone
3-CD into this repo: cd tacotron2
4-Initialize submodule: git submodule init; git submodule update
5-Update .wav paths: sed -i -- 's,DUMMY,ljs_dataset_folder/wavs,g' filelists/*.txt Alternatively, set load_mel_from_disk=True in and update mel-spectrogram paths
6-Install PyTorch 1.0
7-Install Apex
8-Install python requirements or build docker image
9-Install python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt / Install python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt