I have two functions that I want to generalize below. I would like the generic function be called likert_score
is a vector of characters.
should be the number of two-sided formulas before the formula TRUE ~ x
. How can I make this function or a reprex?
likert_score_4 <- function(x, a){
a_seq <- seq_along(a) %>% as.character
x == a[1] ~ a_seq[1],
x == a[2] ~ a_seq[2],
x == a[3] ~ a_seq[3],
x == a[4] ~ a_seq[4],
TRUE ~ x
likert_score_5 <- function(x, a){
x == a[1] ~ a_seq[1],
x == a[2] ~ a_seq[2],
x == a[3] ~ a_seq[3],
x == a[4] ~ a_seq[4],
x == a[5] ~ a_seq[5],
TRUE ~ x
likert_score <- function(x, a){
recode(x, !!!setNames(as.character(seq_along(a)), a))