I'm actually trying to do some unit tests with Hardhat/Ether/Chai, I try to test the balance decrease after a buy.
There is my code :
it('Should buy the nft', async function () {
const [buyerAddress] = await ethers.getSigners()
const provider = ethers.provider
const balanceBefore = await provider.getBalance(buyerAddress.address)
await marketReady
.buyNFTFromEscrow(nftContractAddress, nftTokenId, { value: ethers.utils.parseEther('6') })
const balanceAfter = await provider.getBalance(buyerAddress.address)
console.log(balanceBefore.toString(), balanceAfter.toString())
The console log output :
9999986719269931896192 9999986523302573800272
and balanceAfter
are BigNumber and without .toString()
they give me the hex code.
The fact is, those number are unrealistic... why ?
import { ethers } from "ethers";
let price = ethers.utils.formatUnits(balance.toString(), "ether");