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Should a docstring go before or after a decorator?

Compare the following.

Example 1: docstring before decorator.

def hello() -> str:
    return "Hello World"

versus example 2: docstring after decorator:

def hello() -> str:
    return "Hello World"


  • Where should the docstring go?

    The docstring should go inside the function, the first thing after the function header:

    def hello() -> str:
        return "Hello World"

    The specification itself (PEP 257) makes it explicit:

    A docstring is a string literal that occurs as the first statement in a module, function, class, or method definition.


    It is important because docstrings are not just a convention.

    If you put them in the right place, you can see the function documentation with the help() function (and maybe even other tools):

    >>> @app.route("/")
    ... def hello() -> str:
    ...     """
    ...     summary
    ...     """
    ...     return "Hello World"
    >>> help(hello)
    Help on function hello in module __main__:
    hello() -> str

    This happens because, if a string literal is the first thing in the function declaration, the interpreter will set it to the __doc__ attribute of the function:

    >>> hello.__doc__
    '\n    summary\n    '

    help() basically just displays, nicely formatted, the value of the __doc__ attribute.