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why the below boost variant visitor code doesnt work

I have a struct A:

struct A
    //some implementation

My boost variants are:

boost::variant<double, A> v1 = 1.0;
boost::variant<double, A> v2 = 2.0;

My visitor functor is defined as:

class SomeWork:
    public boost::static_visitor<int>
    int operator()(const A& data1, const A& data2) const
        //some work
        return 1;

    int operator()(const double& data1, const double& data2) const
        //some work
        return 2;

int main()
    boost::variant<double, A> v1 = 1.0;
    boost::variant<double, A> v2 = 2.0;

    boost::apply_visitor(SomeWork(), v1 ,v2);
    return 0;

When I do above I get an error saying:

error C2664: 'int SomeWork::operator ()(const A&, const A&) const': cannot convert argument 2 from 'T' to 'const double &'

Not sure why this happening.

boost version I am using is 107200

Thanks in advance.


  • boost::apply_visitor needs to consider every possible combination of types that your variant instances hold. This means SomeWork is missing the following combinations:

        int operator()(const A& data1, const double& data2) const
            //some work
            return 3;
        int operator()(const double& data1, const A& data2) const
            //some work
            return 4;

    When adding those, I'm able to compile your code.