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Build errors after creating an openapi client via Connected Services

I would like to add an OpenAPI service reference to an existing project. Within the Connected Services view, the next values are used:

enter image description here

Afterwards I click on Finish, build the project and add the PetStoreApiClient.cs to the project.

Finally I try to build the solution (again) while using the PetStoreApiClient. Visual Studio displays several compile errors, e.g.:

enter image description here

Several items are duplicated, even the baseUrl is generated multiple times:

Ambiguity between 'PetStoreApiClient.BaseUrl' and 'PetStoreApiClient.BaseUrl'   ConsoleApp  C:\..\ConsoleApp\ConsoleApp\obj\openapi1Client.cs

The csproj file contains the next settings, as visualized in the first screenshot:

<OpenApiReference Include="OpenAPIs\openapi.json" CodeGenerator="NSwagCSharp" ClassName="PetStoreApiClient" OutputPath="PetStoreApiClient.cs">

Should I use different settings? Add a setting within the csproj? A similar issue is described on GitHub, but the provided solutions don't work.


  • I ended up using NSwag.MSBuild, works flawlessly!

    The result is a TestClient.cs and TestClient.Interface.cs. The TestClient can be used to execute the requests.


      "runtime": "NetCore31",
      "defaultVariables": "Configuration=Debug",
      "documentGenerator": {
        "fromDocument": {
          "url": "<your url>/swagger.json"
      "codeGenerators": {
        "openApiToCSharpClient": {
          "generateClientInterfaces": true,
          "exceptionClass": "$(SdkName)ApiException",
          "useBaseUrl": true,
          "generateBaseUrlProperty": true,
          "generateContractsOutput": true,
          "contractsNamespace": "$(SdkNamespace).Interface",
          "contractsOutputFilePath": "Generated\\$(GeneratedContractFile)",
          "className": "$(SdkName)",
          "operationGenerationMode": "SingleClientFromOperationId",
          "namespace": "$(SdkNamespace)",
          "output": "Generated\\$(GeneratedClientFile)"


    <Target Name="GenerateSdk" BeforeTargets="Build">
        <Error Text="The NSwag configuration '$(NSwagConfiguration)' does not exists!" Condition="!Exists('$(NSwagConfiguration)')" />
        <Exec Command="$(NSwagExe_Core31) run $(NSwagConfiguration) /variables:Configuration=$(Configuration),SdkName=$(SdkName),SdkNamespace=$(SdkNamespace),GeneratedClientFile=$(GeneratedServiceFile),GeneratedContractFile=$(GeneratedInterfaceFile)" />