Does anyone know how to fix this error when trying to make QQ plots of residuals, data and code below;
Country Continent Life_Expectancy
1 Afghanistan Eastern Mediterranean 62.68935
2 Albania Europe 76.37373
3 Algeria Africa 76.36365
4 Angola Africa 62.63262
5 Antigua and Barbuda Americas 74.99754
6 Argentina Americas 76.94621
mod6 = lmer(Life_Expectancy ~ Concentration_of_PM2.5 +
res5 = data.frame(Residuals=resid(mod5),
qq_plot6 = ggplot(final_data, aes(sample = mod6$residuals)) +
geom_qq() +
geom_qq_line(col = 'red') +
xlab('Theoretical residuals') +
ylab('Sample residuals') +
ggtitle('QQ plot for residual mod6') +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
I get this error when making the QQ plot here:
Error in mod6$residuals : $ operator not defined for this S4 class
objects (the results of an lmer
fit) aren't lists (they're S4 objects) and don't have a $residuals
element. Try residuals(mod6)
instead; it's always better practice to use accessor methods (which don't depend on the internal structure of model objects) anyway.
See also: broom.mixed::augment()
, lattice::qqmath(mod6)
, performance::check_model(mod6)