I have a Rails app that I am trying to integrate a Rails engine in to.
The host app has some catch all routes:
# magic urls
match '/' => 'admin/rendering#show'
match '*path/edit' => 'admin/rendering#show', :defaults => { :editing => true }
match '*path' => 'admin/rendering#show'
It looks like the engine routes are loaded after the application catches all routes.
/sitemap.xml(.:format) {:format=>"xml", :controller=>"admin/sitemaps", :action=>"show"}
/(.:format) {:controller=>"admin/rendering", :action=>"show"}
/*path/edit(.:format) {:controller=>"admin/rendering", :action=>"show"}
/*path {:controller=>"admin/rendering", :action=>"show"}
engine_envs GET /engine/envs/:id(.:format) {:controller=>"engine/envs", :action=>"show"}
PUT /engine/envs/:id(.:format) {:controller=>"engine/envs", :action=>"update"}
jammit /assets/:package.:extension(.:format) {:extension=>/.+/, :controller=>"jammit", :action=>"package"}
So far, everything is hitting the /engine/envs
routes are getting caught by the application catch all routes. However I see that the jammit route is loaded after the engine and I don't believe those are getting caught. Any way to override the app routes?
You could stick your engine routes in a method and then call that in your host app.
# engine routes.rb
module ActionDispatch::Routing
class Mapper
def engine_routes
engine_envs GET /engine/envs/:id(.:format)
# ...
# ...
and then in your host app add the method before the catch-all route
# host app routes.rb
MyTestApp::Application.routes.draw do
# ...
match '/' => 'admin/rendering#show'
match '*path/edit' => 'admin/rendering#show', :defaults => { :editing => true }
match '*path' => 'admin/rendering#show'