Search code examples

2 permission requests appear one after another?

My code is supposed to ask two permission right after another but some how it show 2 permission requests one after another.

What do I have to do to fix this?

Future<void> checkContactPermission() async {
  var status = await Permission.contacts.status;
  if (!status.isGranted) {
    PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.contacts.request();
    if (status.isDenied) {
      PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.contacts.request();
  if (status.isGranted) {
    var contacts = await ContactsService.getContacts(withThumbnails: false);
    var list = contacts;
    var FamilyMember = (list.first.phones?.first.value);
    await FlutterPhoneDirectCaller.callNumber('$FamilyMember');


  • You are checking the outdated status here

    if (status.isDenied) {
      PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.contacts.request();

    Refresh the status before using checking again

    Future<void> checkContactPermission() async {
      var status = await Permission.contacts.status;
      if (!status.isGranted) {
        PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.contacts.request();
        status = await Permission.contacts.status;
        if (status.isDenied) {
          PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.contacts.request();
      if (status.isGranted) {
        var contacts = await ContactsService.getContacts(withThumbnails: false);
        var list = contacts;
        var FamilyMember = (list.first.phones?.first.value);
        await FlutterPhoneDirectCaller.callNumber('$FamilyMember');

    Or use the result status from

    PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.contacts.request();