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Text preprocessing in a different language

With this options it is possible to make a preprocessing text analyis for english language

dflemma <- 
  spacy_parse(structure(df2$term, names = df2$id), lemma = TRUE, pos = FALSE) %>% 
  group_by(id = sub("(.+)-(.+)", "\\1", doc_id)) %>% 
  summarise(text = paste(lemma, collapse = " "))

myCorpus <- corpus(dflemma[["text"]], docnames = dflemma[["id"]])

mystopwords <- c("can")
myDfm <- myCorpus %>%
  tokens(remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_symbols = TRUE)  %>%
  tokens_remove(pattern = c(stopwords(source = "smart"), mystopwords))  %>%
  dfm(verbose = FALSE)

How is it possible to make for german and greek language the removal of stopwords and stemming?


  • Both German and Greek are found in the stemming and stopword language lists, so both should be easy to apply in quanteda.

    ## Package version:
    ## Unicode version: 13.0
    ## ICU version: 69.1
    ## Parallel computing: 8 of 8 threads used.
    ## See for tutorials and examples.
    txt_german <- "Wie kann ich eine natürliche Sprachverarbeitung für Texte in anderen Sprachen durchführen?"
    txt_greek <- "Πώς μπορώ να πραγματοποιήσω επεξεργασία φυσικής γλώσσας σε κείμενα σε άλλες γλώσσες;"
    tokens(txt_german, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
      tokens_remove(stopwords("de")) %>%
      tokens_wordstem(language = "de")
    ## Tokens consisting of 1 document.
    ## text1 :
    ## [1] "natur"           "Sprachverarbeit" "Text"            "Sprach"         
    ## [5] "durchfuhr"
    tokens(txt_greek, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
      tokens_remove(stopwords("de")) %>%
      tokens_wordstem(language = "de")
    ## Tokens consisting of 1 document.
    ## text1 :
    ##  [1] "Πώς"            "μπορώ"          "να"             "πραγματοποιήσω"
    ##  [5] "επεξεργασία"    "φυσικής"        "γλώσσας"        "σε"            
    ##  [9] "κείμενα"        "σε"             "άλλες"          "γλώσσες"