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Validating the SSIS config files configured on the SQL Server Agent Jobs

Recently I faced an issue in SQL Server Agent Job. The error is "Login Time Out Expired". I have analyzed it. It seems like the server name mentioned on the SSIS config file is wrong. I have corrected the server name now the job runs fine.

Our job design - SQL Server Agent Job invokes an SSIS package along with its Config file. The actual problem is we have lot of sql server agent jobs (200 + jobs). All are running on its own schedule. Currently we are fixing these issues as soon as we get an error in the Job history. This is purely a manual approach. This is one of the environment. We have almost 10 plus environments which have the same set of jobs.

I am looking for an approach where we can pre validate all the config files configured on the SQL Server agent jobs and report the files which have the incorrect server names or incorrect file paths. As you know, doing this task manually is an headache process even while doing this we may miss some jobs / create other issues as well.

Is any way we can validate the config files prior to running the SQL jobs.


  • You can get the sqlagent job steps information by querying the msdb tables. In that, you can find out, which configuration file is being used in the job step.

    Refer to sql agent jobs documentation

        [sJOB].[job_id] AS [JobID]
        , [sJOB].[name] AS [JobName]
        , [sJSTP].[step_uid] AS [StepID]
        , [sJSTP].[step_id] AS [StepNo]
        , [sJSTP].[step_name] AS [StepName]
        , CASE [sJSTP].[subsystem]
            WHEN 'ActiveScripting' THEN 'ActiveX Script'
            WHEN 'CmdExec' THEN 'Operating system (CmdExec)'
            WHEN 'PowerShell' THEN 'PowerShell'
            WHEN 'Distribution' THEN 'Replication Distributor'
            WHEN 'Merge' THEN 'Replication Merge'
            WHEN 'QueueReader' THEN 'Replication Queue Reader'
            WHEN 'Snapshot' THEN 'Replication Snapshot'
            WHEN 'LogReader' THEN 'Replication Transaction-Log Reader'
            WHEN 'ANALYSISCOMMAND' THEN 'SQL Server Analysis Services Command'
            WHEN 'ANALYSISQUERY' THEN 'SQL Server Analysis Services Query'
            WHEN 'SSIS' THEN 'SQL Server Integration Services Package'
            WHEN 'TSQL' THEN 'Transact-SQL script (T-SQL)'
            ELSE sJSTP.subsystem
          END AS [StepType]
        , [sPROX].[name] AS [RunAs]
        , [sJSTP].[database_name] AS [Database]
        , [sJSTP].[command] AS [ExecutableCommand]
        , CASE [sJSTP].[on_success_action]
            WHEN 1 THEN 'Quit the job reporting success'
            WHEN 2 THEN 'Quit the job reporting failure'
            WHEN 3 THEN 'Go to the next step'
            WHEN 4 THEN 'Go to Step: ' 
                        + QUOTENAME(CAST([sJSTP].[on_success_step_id] AS VARCHAR(3))) 
                        + ' ' 
                        + [sOSSTP].[step_name]
          END AS [OnSuccessAction]
        , [sJSTP].[retry_attempts] AS [RetryAttempts]
        , [sJSTP].[retry_interval] AS [RetryInterval (Minutes)]
        , CASE [sJSTP].[on_fail_action]
            WHEN 1 THEN 'Quit the job reporting success'
            WHEN 2 THEN 'Quit the job reporting failure'
            WHEN 3 THEN 'Go to the next step'
            WHEN 4 THEN 'Go to Step: ' 
                        + QUOTENAME(CAST([sJSTP].[on_fail_step_id] AS VARCHAR(3))) 
                        + ' ' 
                        + [sOFSTP].[step_name]
          END AS [OnFailureAction]
        [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobsteps] AS [sJSTP]
        INNER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] AS [sJOB]
            ON [sJSTP].[job_id] = [sJOB].[job_id]
        LEFT JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobsteps] AS [sOSSTP]
            ON [sJSTP].[job_id] = [sOSSTP].[job_id]
            AND [sJSTP].[on_success_step_id] = [sOSSTP].[step_id]
        LEFT JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobsteps] AS [sOFSTP]
            ON [sJSTP].[job_id] = [sOFSTP].[job_id]
            AND [sJSTP].[on_fail_step_id] = [sOFSTP].[step_id]
        LEFT JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[sysproxies] AS [sPROX]
            ON [sJSTP].[proxy_id] = [sPROX].[proxy_id]
    ORDER BY [JobName], [StepNo]

    Now, you need to look into Executable command to see the exact configuration file being used in the SSIS execution and accordingly take action.

    [ExecutableCommand]: The actual command which will be executed by the subsystem.