I have the following network graph:
data = tibble(d = paste(1:n))
relations = tibble(
from = sample(data$d),
to = lead(from, default=from[1]),
graph = graph_from_data_frame(relations, directed=T, vertices = data)
V(graph)$color <- ifelse(data$d == relations$from[1], "red", "orange")
plot(graph, layout=layout.circle, edge.arrow.size = 0.2)
I am trying to see how to remove "edges" from this graph.
I found the following code to remove "edges" (https://igraph.org/r/doc/igraph-minus.html):
#remove the "edge" between "node 14 and node 10"
g = graph
g <- g - edge("14|10")
Is there a quick way to remove all "edges" in this graph?
for (i in 1:15) {
for (j in 1:15) {
g <- g - edge("i|j")
But this is not working:
Error in as.igraph.vs(graph, vp) : Invalid vertex names
Is there a better way then to remove all the edges one by one?
Thank you!