Following is my test is written in Robot Framework. It uses the BDD+data-driven approach. It runs perfectly fine. Bue how to add [Documentation] tag for each test. I want that in the report.html, for each test case, documentation should be displayed. How to achieve it?
Resource …/…/…/resources/high-level-api.robot
Library Collections
Test Template this is my test
Test Cases
TC1 ${data1} ${data2}
TC2 ${data3} ${data4}
TC3 ${data5} ${data6}
this is my test
[Arguments] ${valid_data1} ${valid_data2}
When perform step1 ${valid_data1}
And step2 ${valid_data1}
Then I should get ${valid_data2}
Use the [Documentation] setting from user guide. It should look something like this:
Test Template Log Value
*** Test Cases *** VALUE
Example dummy
[Documentation] first example
Example 2 Value
[Documentation] second example
*** Keywords ***
Log Value
[Arguments] ${value}
Log ${value}