I am trying to implement a search feature in a site. A user can specify a search string that could match a product_id, product_name or the product_sku. What I want to implement is a search function that would return all that matches.
What I've come with so far:
return Product::with(['getProductItem' => fn ($query) => $query->orWhere('itemSkuNumber', '=', $request->search)])
$request->has('match') ? '=' : 'like',
$request->has('match') ? $request->search : '%' . $request->search . '%'
->orWhere('id', '=', $request->search)->get();
This has worked if I specify a product_id or product_name but does not return anything if I provide an sku.
You should wrap orWheres with another where because it will try to filter all of them.
->whereHas('getProductItem', function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where(function ($subquery) use ($request) {
$subquery->where('itemSkuNumber', '=', $request->search);
//put your orwhere queries in here