I have the following case but don't know how to do it, can anyone help me.
Clock In: 8:00, Clock Out: 17:00 => Total: 9:00
1st break
Start Break: 11:00, End Break: 13:00 => Total break1: 2:00
Second break
Start Break: 15:00, End Break: 15:30 => Total break2: 0:30
$startTime = Carbon::parse('8:00');
$endTime = Carbon::parse('17:00');
$duration = $endTime->diffInMinutes($startTime);
$totalminutes += $duration;
dd(date('H:i', mktime(0, $totalminutes)));
Total : 9:00
I want to plus the hours of break1 and break2
2:00 + 0:30 = 2:30
and total clock minus total break
9:00 - 2:30 = 6:30
everyone helps me, thanks everyone
You can calculate the duration the same way for breaks except that you need to subtract them from the total minutes instead of adding them.
$startTime = Carbon::parse('8:00');
$endTime = Carbon::parse('17:00');
$firstBreakStart = Carbon::parse('11:00');
$firstBreakEnd = Carbon::parse('13:00');
$secondBreakStart = Carbon::parse('15:00');
$secondBreakEnd = Carbon::parse('15:30');
$totalMinutes = $startTime->diffInMinutes($endTime);
$totalMinutes -= $firstBreakStart->diffInMinutes($firstBreakEnd);
$totalMinutes -= $secondBreakStart->diffInMinutes($secondBreakEnd);
dd(date('H:i', mktime(0, $totalMinutes)));