I am trying to create a chart tracking 19 different columns of data and am looking to set a pre-defined color code for each different layer.
base = alt.Chart(historical_WTI.loc['0': '220'].reset_index(),
title=f"WTI Futures (as of {last_date})").mark_line().encode(
x = alt.X('days_to_expiry', title = 'Days to Expiry'),
y = alt.Y(alt.repeat('layer'), scale=alt.Scale(zero = False),
type="quantitative", title = 'Open Interest'),
color = alt.Color('Key:O', scale = alt.Scale(domain = WTI_securities, range = color_list))
).repeat(layer = historical_WTI.columns.values.tolist())
WTI_securities and color_list are both lists that are in the order requried for my mapping but I am returned with the following chart
when I comment out the color line, I am able to get the following chart but I need the color mapping and legend.
anyone knows what I am doing wrong?
Don't know if this answers your question, but I started from this example:
adding the configure_range
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
source = data.movies()
colors = ['#7fc97f','#beaed4','#fdc086']
x=alt.X("IMDB_Rating", bin=True),
alt.repeat("layer"), aggregate="mean", title="Mean of US and Worldwide Gross"
layer=["US_Gross", "Worldwide_Gross", "Production_Budget"],