I want the TextField to conditionally display the Spinner component exactly where an icon would render if you pass an icon to iconProps. I got the conditional rendering of the icon and spinner but I couldn't figure out how to include a component into TextField. So, I think the best way might be to possibly to overlay? Here is my codepen for trying to overlay the Spinner component
// Initialize icons in case this example uses them
const stackTokens = { childrenGap: 50 };
const iconProps = { iconName: 'Edit' };
const stackStyles: Partial<IStackStyles> = { root: { width: 650 } };
const columnProps: Partial<IStackProps> = {
tokens: { childrenGap: 15 },
styles: { root: { width: 300 } },
const TextFieldBasicExample: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
return (
<Stack horizontal tokens={stackTokens} styles={stackStyles}>
<div style={{height: "100%", margin: "15px" }}>
<Stack {...columnProps}>
<TextField label="With an icon" iconProps={iconProps} styles={{ root: { position: "absolute",zIndex: 1, width: "340px" } }}/>
<div style={{display: "flex",
zIndex: 13,
// position: "absolute",
// backgroundColor: "red",
justifyContent: "end"}}>
<span style={{padding: "0px 24px 0px 8px"}}>
<Spinner />
const TextFieldBasicExampleWrapper = () => <ThemeProvider><TextFieldBasicExample /></ThemeProvider>;
ReactDOM.render(<TextFieldBasicExampleWrapper />, document.getElementById('content'))````
Wrap Textfield
and Spinner
Component with one div
which has relative position and Spinner
with absolute position. For example:
<div style={{ position: 'relative', width: 200 }}>
<TextField label="With an Icon" />
root: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 35,
right: 8
Here you are a full working example with some cool stuff.