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Plotting a matrix on ggmap with geom_tile not working

I'm trying to plot a matrix (mostly random numbers with a few NAs) with longitude/latitude coordinates on a ggmap plot.

This is my code:


define the longitude and latitude coordinates

lon = seq(x1,x2,by=0.1)
lat = seq(y1,y2,by=-0.1)

define a matrix with random numbers with the longitude/latitude dimensions

numbers = rnorm(length(lon)*length(lat))
var = matrix(numbers,length(lon),length(lat))

add some NAs to the matrix

var[1:5,1:5] = NA

lat_min <- min(lat)-0.3
lon_min <- min(lon)-0.3
lat_max <- max(lat)+0.3
lon_max <- max(lon)+0.3

construct the ggmap

map_box <- c(left=lon_min,bottom=lat_min,
total_stmap <- get_stamenmap(bbox=map_box,zoom=5,maptype="toner")
total_ggmap <- ggmap(total_stmap,extent="panel")

make a data.frame to attribute each matrix index to the geographical coordinate

lat_df <- c()
lon_df <- c()
var_df <- c()
for (i in 1:length(lon)) {
  for (j in 1:length(lat)) {
    lon_df <- c(lon_df,lon[i])
    lat_df <- c(lat_df,lat[j])
    var_df = var[i,j]

make the plot using ggmap and geom_tile

plot = total_ggmap +
geom_tile(data=df,aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude,fill=Variable),alpha=1/2,color="black",size=0) +
geom_sf(data = df, inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = NA)

With this code I get the message:

Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.

...and a blank plot.


  • There were two problems here. The first is that all of your values in the Variable column are the same, because you are just overwriting var_df with every iteration of your loop. The line

    var_df = var[i,j]

    Should be

    var_df = c(var_df, var[i,j])

    Secondly, you should not be using geom_sf if you have a data frame of longitude, latitude and value. geom_sf is used to plot sf objects, which is not what you have.

    Instead, you need only do:

    plot <- total_ggmap +
       geom_tile(data = df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, fill = Variable), alpha = 1/2, size = 0)

    and you get:


    enter image description here