If i export to xlsx and reimport, Django-Import-Export reports overwritten fields but there are no changes. I already tried to debug this myself with the skip_row() method but i think im generally doing sommething wrong
class FormatClassResource(resources.ModelResource):
number = fields.Field(column_name="Nummer", attribute="number")
barcode = fields.Field(column_name="Barcode", attribute="barcode")
name = fields.Field(column_name="Name", attribute="name")
price = fields.Field(column_name="Preis", attribute="price")
class Meta:
model = FormatClass
use_bulk = True
use_transactions = True
skip_unchanged = True
import_id_fields = ["number", "barcode", "name", "price"]
exclude = ["id"]
Some points which may help:
) with what is persisted, and if any of them do not match, it will report an 'update'