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Pyspark: How to use salting technique for Skewed Aggregates

How to use salting technique for Skewed Aggregation in Pyspark.

Say we have Skewed data like below how to create salting column and use it in aggregation.

city state count
Lachung Sikkim 3,000
Rangpo Sikkim 50,000
Gangtok Sikkim 3,00,000
Bangalore Karnataka 2,50,00,000
Mumbai Maharashtra 2,90,00,000


  • To use the salting technique on skewed data, we need to create a column say "salt". Generate a random no with a range from 0 to (spark.sql.shuffle.partitions - 1).

    Table should look like below, where "salt" column will have value from 0 to 199 (as in this case partitions size is 200). Now you can use groupBy on "city", "state", "salt".

    city state salt
    Lachung Sikkim 151
    Lachung Sikkim 102
    Lachung Sikkim 16
    Rangpo Sikkim 5
    Rangpo Sikkim 19
    Rangpo Sikkim 16
    Rangpo Sikkim 102
    Gangtok Sikkim 55
    Gangtok Sikkim 119
    Gangtok Sikkim 16
    Gangtok Sikkim 10
    Bangalore Karnataka 19
    Mumbai Maharashtra 0
    Bangalore Karnataka 199
    Mumbai Maharashtra 190


    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as f
    from pyspark.sql.types import (
        StructType, StructField, IntegerType
    salval = f.round(f.rand() * int(spark.conf.get("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions")) -1 )
    record_df.withColumn("salt", f.lit(salval).cast(IntegerType()))\
        .groupBy("city", "state", "salt")\


    city state count
    Lachung Sikkim 3,000
    Rangpo Sikkim 50,000
    Gangtok Sikkim 3,00,000
    Bangalore Karnataka 2,50,00,000
    Mumbai Maharashtra 2,90,00,000