I'm trying to build Aeron on Windows with VS2022. I have all requirements stated in README.md (eg I've installed JDK etc) and have run the build script in Developer PowerShell VS2022 using the following script
$ mkdir -p cppbuild/Debug
$ cd cppbuild/Debug
$ cmake ../..
$ cmake --build . --clean-first
$ ctest
However, I'm getting lots of errors during build LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file
, such as the following:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\..\..\thirdparty\gmock\src\gmock-build\lib\Debug\gmock.lib' [C:\Use
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/o/Desktop/IPCTesting/aeron-master/aeron-client/src/test/cpp_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\..\..\thirdparty\gmock\src\gmock-build\lib\Debug\gmock.lib' [C:\Use
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/o/Desktop/IPCTesting/aeron-master/aeron-client/src/test/cpp_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\..\..\thirdparty\gmock\src\gmock-build\lib\Debug\gmock.lib' [C:\Use
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/o/Desktop/IPCTesting/aeron-master/aeron-client/src/test/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
But it looks like the googlemock project has been absorbed into the GoogleTest project (assuming gmock.lib is googlemock?).
Can anyone advise how to build Aeron for C++ on Windows?
Edit: Ps I know there is an included auto build script but trying to build from github project.
Run the following command from the Aeron base directory to simplify the build:
$ cppbuild\cppbuild