I was trying to limit the word count in TinyMCE editor. For that used a function suggested in the documentation of TinyMCE https://www.tiny.cloud/docs-3x/howto/words/. This function always returns word count greater by 1 than the word count shown in the editor's status bar. For eg: if we empty the editor, the word count in status bar of editor shows 0 but function returns 1. Likewise the word count is 10 on editor, function returns 11. Why that function returns different value and how can I match these values?
The link you provide is to TinyMCE 3 documentation which is out of date. TinyMCE 5 is the currently released editor and TinyMCE 6 will be released shortly.
In TinyMCE 4+ you should use the API for the wordcount plugin which is documented here:
If you use the wordcount API it will match what is displayed in the editor.
var wordcount = tinymce.activeEditor.plugins.wordcount;