I want to change the color of the letters in a list of words. I use colorama library. Code:
from colorama import Fore
guess = ['great', 'hello', 'brave', 'stone']
li,ly = [],[]
for word in guess:
for i in range(len(word)):
if word[i] == 'b' or word[i] == 'a':
color = Fore.RED
elif word[i] == 's' or word[i] == 'e':
color = Fore.GREEN
color = Fore.BLACK
letter = color + word[i] + Fore.RESET
result = ' '.join(li)
print(*ly, sep = '\n')
Output is
g r e a t
g r e a t h e l l o
g r e a t h e l l o b r a v e
g r e a t h e l l o b r a v e s t o n e
Desired output would be
g r e a t
g r e a t
h e l l o
g r e a t
h e l l o
b r a v e
g r e a t
h e l l o
b r a v e
s t o n e
How do I add a new line in a nested for loop? I have not found a solution. Please help.
This should do it:
guess = ['great', 'hello', 'brave', 'stone']
color_letters = []
spaced_words = []
for word in guess:
# insert spaces between letters
for letter in ' '.join(word):
# identify colour to apply
if letter in 'ab':
color = Fore.RED
elif letter in 'es':
color = Fore.GREEN
color = Fore.BLACK
# append to cumulative list of formatted letters
color_letters.append(color + letter + Fore.RESET)
# insert line breaks between words
color_letters += '\n\n'
# add / re-add cumulative list of letters to output list