I try to create custom type in Puppet in order to generate some content based on some host state (eg generate token file in /etc
Also I want to create File[/etc/token]
inside this custom type and export it into PuppetDB in order to collect it on all other hosts within cluster
I've tried such code but it does not work as expected:
def generate
return [] unless self[:export]
cluster = self[:cluster]
user = self[:name]
should = self.should(:ensure) || :present
path = "/etc/#{cluster}.#{user}.token"
return [] if catalog.resource(:file, path)
token = Puppet::Resource.new(:file, path)
token[:ensure] = should
token[:content] = provider.create_token
token.virtual = true
token.exported = true
Without token.virtual = true
and token.exported = true
this function can generate required file locally as expected but I can not export it
The only workaround is to use custom fact with required content eg $fact['user_token']
and export this content using default way:
if $facts['user_token'] {
@@file { '/etc/clustername.username.token':
ensure => file,
content => $facts['user_token'],
Does anybody know how to generate exported resource inside custom type code?
Thank you
Does anybody know how to generate exported resource inside custom type code?
You cannot use data extracted from the target node by a resource instance to export a resource. The timing and context of resource evaluation are both wrong:
On the other hand, if you don't need data (other than node facts) extracted from the target node, then you don't need to do the job in a plugin type. The usual approach in this case would be to create a defined-type wrapper for the plugin type, and put the resource export there.