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Programmatically add tags to yaml header during knitting R markdown file

I'd like to programmatically add tags to the YAML header of a blogdown post when clicking the "knit" button.

For example something like this:

title: This is a post
author: brshallo
date: '2022-02-11'
tags: "`r stringr::str_c('\n  - ', stringr::str_flatten(c('rstats', 'datascience'), '\n  - '))`"
slug: this-is-a-post

Related Resources

I've tried a variety of solutions with !r, !expr, and iterations on these but so far no luck.

Here are some related threads:

I'd at first assumed this was a more general rmarkdown problem rather than blogdown specific but given that some of the solutions mentioned in threads above seemed to work when inputting generic params I wasn't sure...


  • To generate a valid YAML array, you could use the alternative syntax [ ], e.g.,

    tags: ["`r paste(head(letters), collapse = '", "')`"]

    which generates:

    tags: ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

    Note the hack collapse = '", "': since there already exists a pair of double quotes outside the R expression, you should only generate the part a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f from the R expression.

    -- solution copied from Yihui's explanation at blogdown#647