im trying to pass a dynamically generated checkbox state to a method that is called when you click the label
this is the html:
<div *ngFor="let label of consent.labels" style="flex-direction: column">
<div [ngClass]="{'accept': consent.aceptado === true, 'optional': !consent.obligatorio }">
<section style="margin-top: 5px;">
<mat-checkbox color="primary" [(ngModel)]="consent.aceptado" (change)="verify()">
<div [innerHTML]="label.label | safeHtml" (click)="detailSubConsent(checkBoxState, $event)"></div>
as additional information, with event.preventDefault() I prevent the state of the checkbox to change when I click on the label
Is there any way to capture the current state of the dynamically generated checkbox to pass it to the method that executes on click?
You are always linking the same checkbox to the same ngModel, so if you have a list of them, you will end up with a lot of confusion (all of them will have the same value), you should link every separate checkbox to a different ngModel, I suggest creating a new object with keys for each label, now that I don't know your label object type definition, I will demo the solution assuming each label has a unique Id.
<div *ngFor="let label of consent.labels" style="flex-direction: column">
<mat-checkbox color="primary" [(ngModel)]="obj[]">
<div [innerHTML]="label.label | safeHtml" (click)="detailSubConsent(, $event)"></div>
detailSubConsent(id, $event){
//access the state as shown below