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kafka + how to delete consumer group

in our kafka cluster ( based on HDP version - 2.6.5 , and kafka version is 1.0 ) , and we want to delete the following consumer group

/usr/hdp/  --list --bootstrap-server kafka01:6667| grep -i test
Note: This will not show information about old Zookeeper-based consumers.


but when we try to delete it we get:

/usr/hdp/ --zookeeper zookeeper01:2181 --delete --group test_group_0e1e37b0-603e-4ffd-9b21-90a3adf597ca
To enable GC log rotation, use -Xloggc:<filename> -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=<num_of_files>
where num_of_file > 0
GC log rotation is turned off
Note: This will only show information about consumers that use ZooKeeper (not those using the Java consumer API).

Error: Delete for group 'test_group_0e1e37b0-603e-4ffd-9b21-90a3adf597ca' failed because group does not exist.

what is wrong with above command ?

enter image description here

more details from Kafka Ambari config:


  • As the output says, group doesn't exist with --zookeeper

    You need to keep your arguments consistent; use --bootstrap-server to list, delete, and describe, assuming your cluster supports this

    However, groups delete themselves with no active consumers, so you shouldn't need to run this