I want to use Clickhouse as an OLAP and PostgreSQL as an OLTP database.
The problem is that queries to Clickhouse run slower than on Postgres. The query is as below:
select count(id) from {table_name}
Here is my table structure:
`id` UInt64,
`label` Nullable(FixedString(50)),
`query` Nullable(text),
`creation_datetime` DateTime,
`offset` UInt64,
`user_is_first_search` UInt8,
`user_date_of_start` Date,
`usage_type` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`user_ip` Nullable(FixedString(200)),
`who_searched_query` Nullable(FixedString(15)),
`device_type` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`device_os` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`tab_type` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`response_api_type` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`total_response_time` Float64,
`retrieved_instant_answer` Nullable(FixedString(100)),
`is_relative_instant_answer` UInt8,
`meta_search_instant_answer_type` Nullable(FixedString(50)),
`settings_alignment` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`settings_safe_search` Nullable(FixedString(30)),
`settings_search_results_number` Nullable(FixedString(30)),
`settings_proxy_image_urls` Nullable(FixedString(30)),
`cache_hit` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`net_status` Nullable(FixedString(20)),
`is_transitional` UInt8
ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY creation_datetime ORDER BY (id)
I created an index on datetime field in both database and then ran optimize
query on both. can anyone tell me why Clickhouse is slower than Postgres?
Finally I found the what I did wrong. I should not have made partition by datetime field. I created the table without partition and it got so much faster.