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Dereference pointer from unnamed namespace not working

For a Wii homebrew game engine I'm working on, I have this (shortened) script that handles printing text:

#include <grrlib.h>

#include "graphics.hpp"

#include "Vera_ttf.h"

namespace {
    GRRLIB_ttfFont *font = GRRLIB_LoadTTF(Vera_ttf, Vera_ttf_size);

namespace graphics {
namespace module {

void print(const char *str, int x, int y) {
    GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(x, y, font, str, 12, 0xFFFFFFFF);

} // module
} // graphics

This code compiles, however, when trying to call the print function above, nothing is rendered. Weirdly enough, removing the unnamed namespace and changing the print function to this:

void print(const char *str, int x, int y) {
    static GRRLIB_ttfFont *font = GRRLIB_LoadTTF(Vera_ttf, Vera_ttf_size);

    GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(x, y, font, str, 12, 0xFFFFFFFF);

works fine. However, I would like the font variable to be changeable by another setFont function. How can I achieve this?

Here's is the GRRLIB_PrintfTTF function code if anyone needs it:


  • Since you have to initialize the library with GRRLIB_Init(), you can provide a similar init function to ensure that your variables are initialized after the library.

    #include <grrlib.h>
    #include "graphics.hpp"
    #include "Vera_ttf.h"
    namespace {
        GRRLIB_ttfFont *font = NULL;
    namespace graphics {
        void InitGraphics() {
            font = GRRLIB_LoadTTF(Vera_ttf, Vera_ttf_size);
    namespace module {
    void print(const char *str, int x, int y) {
        GRRLIB_PrintfTTF(x, y, font, str, 12, 0xFFFFFFFF);
    } // module
    } // graphics

    Call graphics::InitGraphics() after you call GRRLIB_Init()