How do I write an Azure Pipeline script that detects whether any other CI build jobs are running using the same Git branch, and cancels those other jobs?
I want to cancel only CI build jobs. Any PR build jobs and manually triggered jobs from the same Git branch should be ignored, and allowed to continue running.
Any build jobs from other Git branches should also be ignored.
The Azure DevOps VM is a self-hosted Windows VM, so the task must be a PowerShell or Windows script, not bash. The source is in Bitbucket Cloud -- this is important, because ADO handles Bitbucket Cloud repositories differently from other repositories.
If a canned task is available, I can use it as well.
The following questions are related, but they do not directly address this use case.
The answer from @Shamrai-Alexsandr cancels the current build, but what I want to do was cancel all other builds (that is, CI builds on the current branch) still in progress.
The answer from @bright-ran-msft gave me enough clues to combine @bright's solution with @shamrai's solution, replacing the exit 1
with code that cancels the other builds:
if ($buildId -gt $bid)
$build.status = "Cancelling"
$cancelRequest = $build | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
$uriCancel = "$orgUrl$teamProject/_apis/build/builds/$($"
$resultOfCancel = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uriCancel -Method Patch -ContentType "application/json" -body $cancelRequest -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
Write-Host "Result of Cancel request: " $resultOfCancel.status