I have 2 collections:
_id: ObjectId(someOfficeId),
name: "some name",
..other fields
_id: ObjectId(SomeId),
name: "Some document name",
officeId: ObjectId(someOfficeId),
I need to get list of offices sorted by count of documetns that refer to office. Also should be realized pagination.
I tryied to do this by aggregation and using $lookup
const aggregation = [
$lookup: {
from: 'documents',
let: {
id: '$id'
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: ['$officeId', '$id']
// sent_at: {
// $gte: start,
// $lt: end,
// },
as: 'documents'
{ $sortByCount: "$documents" },
{ $skip: (page - 1) * limit },
{ $limit: limit },
But this doesn't work for me
Any Ideas how to realize this?
p.s. I need to show offices with 0 documents, so get offices by documets - doesn't work for me
is to get that count at top level fieldnoffices
natural order, or retrieve more document in each query and have them in memory (instead of retriving just 1 page's documents)offices.aggregate(
"pipeline":[{"$group":{"_id":null, "count":{"$sum":1}}}],
[{"$eq":["$noffices", []]}, 0,
{"$arrayElemAt":["$noffices.count", 0]}]}}},
As the other answer pointed out you forgot the _
of id
, but you don't need the let
or match inside the pipeline with $expr
, with the above lookup. Also $sortByCount
doesn't count the member of an array, you would need $size
(sort by count is just group and count its not for arrays). But you dont need $size
also you can count them in the pipeline, like above.