I have a dictionary that looks like this:
my_dict = {2078:'T20',2153:'T20',2223:'T21',2219:'T21'}
My data frame:
Date Code Fleet KM
2021-20-03 2078 T20 20
2021-21-03 2078 NaN 22
2021-21-03 2153 T20 23
2021-21-03 2153 NaN 23
2021-22-03 2223 NaN 28
2021-22-03 2223 NaN 30
2021-22-03 2219 T21 23
2021-23-03 2219 NaN 23
I want to use the values of the dictionary to fill the empty rows in the Fleet column in my df.
So I wrote the code:
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if (pd.isnull(row['Fleet'])):
row['Fleet']= my_dict.row['Fleet']
However, when I check df.info() I can see that the code did not apply even though it runs. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Use Series.map
by dictionary and raplace missing values by Series.fillna
df['Fleet'] = df['Fleet'].fillna(df['Code'].map(my_dict))
df['Fleet'] = df['Fleet'].combine_first(df['Code'].map(my_dict))