I'm trying using Laravel login authentication using different guards but I found that there is some repetition within the store method in the Login Controller (the only difference is the guard used, all other logic are the same). I just can't find a way to shorten them into some other logic such as method(function) which can be reusable. So if there is possible way, Please help me out.
public function store(Request $request)
'username' => 'required',
'password' => 'required'
if (Auth::guard('instructor')->attempt(['email' => $request->username, 'password' => $request->password])) {
if (auth('instructor')->user()->status === Instructor::HAS_DEACTIVATED) {
return redirect('login')->with(
'Your Account has being deactivated . Please Contact your Administrator!');
return redirect(route('instructor.dashboard'));
if (Auth::guard('student')->attempt(['email' => $request->username, 'password' => $request->password])) {
if (auth('student')->user()->status === Student::HAS_DEACTIVATED) {
return redirect('login')->with(
'Your Account has being deactivated . Please Contact your Administrator!');
return redirect(route('student.dashboard'));
return back()->with('error', 'Credentials provided do not match any record.');
You can create a separate function and then call that function.
public static function deleteSession($gaurd)
return redirect('login')->with(
'Your Account has being deactivated . Please Contact your Administrator!');
Then in your store function call deleteSession
if (auth('instructor')->user()->status === Instructor::HAS_DEACTIVATED)
self::deleteSession('instructor'); //change gaurd according to your need