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Get tweets of a topic Twitter API

I have a certain Twitter topic (and its id) that I want to pull the recent tweets of ..

I know the topic of a certain tweet is stored in its “context_annotations” attribute.

Is there a way in Twitter API to pull tweets of a certain topic, similar to how we pull tweets of certain keywords or hashtags?

I have looked in the search query and twitter api v2 and seem to have found nothing in that matter ..


  • Yes, use:<domain_id>.<entity_id>

    The Twitter API allows for searching by a domain ID / entity ID pair using the context: operator. (Searching using only a domain ID is not supported.) This functionality is described further in this documentation page under the section "Find Tweets that relate to a specific Tweet annotation".

    For example, if you wanted to find tweets related to domain 66 (Interests and Hobbies) and entity ID 852262932607926273 (Cats), you'd use: