I implemented an algorithm which, for a given non-negative rational number r
and a positive interger b
, computes all of the digits of the expansion of r
in base b
. The algorithm itself actually outputs a function f(i: int)
satisfying the equation n = ... + f(-2)*b**-2 + f(-1)*b**-1 + f(0)*b**0 + f(1)*b**1 + f(2)*b**2 + ...
, and it computes the digits of the whole and fractional parts of r
separately through two other auxiliary functions.
Below is my code in Python (3.10.2). It looks weird for Python code because I'm actually implementing the algorithm in MIT/GNU Scheme (15.3) and "sketching" it on Python. I'm showing the Python implementation instead of the Scheme one mostly because I believe it's easier to formulate this question (and actually have it answered) in Python.
# `base`: convert a non-negative fraction to any positive integer base
from fractions import Fraction
# a natural number is a integer greater than or equal to 0
def is_natural(n):
return isinstance(n, int) and n >= 0
# a fractional is a positive rational number strictly between 0 and 1
def is_fractional(x):
return isinstance(x, Fraction) and 0 < x < 1
# given a natural number `n` and a positive integer `b` as, compute the base
# `b` expansion of `n` as a unary procedure `f` over the integers such that
# n = ... + f(-2)b^-2 + f(-1)b^-1 + f(0)b^0 + f(1)b^1 + f(2)b^2 + ...
# since `n` is a natural number, then f(i) = 0 for any integer `i` such that
# either i < 0 or i > log_b n. thus, there are only finitely many non-trivial
# values of `f` to compute
def natural_to_proc(n, b):
if not is_natural(n):
raise SyntaxError("%s is not a natural number." % n)
if not (isinstance(b, int) and b > 0):
raise SyntaxError("%s is not a positive integer." % b)
def proc(i: int):
if i < 0:
return 0
j = -1
q = n
while j != i:
j += 1
r = q % b
q = q // b
return r
return proc
# given a fractional number `x` and a positive integer `b` as, compute the base
# `b` expansion of `n` as a unary procedure `f` over the integers such that
# n = ... + f(-2)b^-2 + f(-1)b^-1 + f(0)b^0 + f(1)b^1 + f(2)b^2 + ...
# since `x` is a fractional number, then f(i) = 0 for any integer i >= 1 and,
# for some integer j < 0, f(i) is periodic for all integers i < j. thus, there
# are only finitely many non-trivial values of `f` to compute
def fractional_to_proc(x, b):
if not is_fractional(x):
raise SyntaxError("%s is not a fractional number." % x)
if not (isinstance(b, int) and b > 0):
raise SyntaxError("%s is not a positive integer." % b)
n = x.numerator
d = x.denominator
def proc(i: int):
if i > 0:
return 0
j = 1
r = n
while j != i:
j -= 1
q = r // d
r = (r % d) * b
return q
return proc
# given a non-negative rational number `r` and a positive integer `b` as,
# compute the base `b` expansion of `n` as a unary procedure `f` over the
# integers such that
# n = ... + f(-2)b^-2 + f(-1)b^-1 + f(0)b^0 + f(1)b^1 + f(2)b^2 + ...
# since `r` is a rational number, then there are a natural number `n` and a
# fractional number `x` such that r = n + x. thus, the expansion of `r` is
# simply the concatenation of the expansions of `n` and `x`
def rational_to_proc(r, b):
if not (isinstance(r, Fraction) and r >= 0):
raise SyntaxError("%s is not a non-negative fraction." % r)
if not (isinstance(b, int) and b > 0):
raise SyntaxError("%s is not a positive integer." % b)
n = r.numerator // r.denominator
x = r - n
def proc(i: int):
if i < 0:
return fractional_to_proc(x, b)(i)
return natural_to_proc(n, b)(i)
return proc
Now, I want to implement an auxiliary algorithm which, given such a function f(i)
, computes which digits are periodically repeating and discriminate them from the remaining digits. More especifically, I want it to output a list l
such that l[0]
is a (possibly empty) list of the digits of the whole part of r
, l[1:-1]
is a list of the non-periodically repeating digits of the fractional part of r
if there are any (otherwise l[1:-1]
is empty), and l[-1]
is a list of the periodically repeating digits of the fractional part of r
(if there are any, otherwise l[-1] = []
), where l[0]
is ordered from the least to most significant digit and the other two lists are ordered from the most to the least significant digit. For instance, the output for 2376661/33000 in base 10 should be [[2, 7], [0, 2, 0], [0, 3]]
since its decimal expansion is 72.020[03].
My question is: how would I go about implementing this second algorithm? More especifically, how would I discriminate the periodically repeating digits from the others, provided I know ahead of time that the input is a non-negative rational number?
until there's nothing left.b
until we reach a fraction we've seen before.def analyze(r, b):
whole, fractional = divmod(r, 1)
whole_digits = []
while whole:
whole, digit = divmod(whole, b)
fractional_digits = []
seen = {}
while fractional not in seen:
seen[fractional] = len(fractional_digits)
digit, fractional = divmod(fractional * b, 1)
s = seen[fractional]
return [whole_digits,
fractional_digits[s:] if fractional else []]
Demo usage:
from fractions import Fraction
r = Fraction(2376661, 33000)
b = 10
print(analyze(r, b))
Output (Try it online!):
[[2, 7], [0, 2, 0], [0, 3]]
Output for base 100 (I edited leading zeros in for clarity):
[[72], [02, 00], [30]]
Output for base 1000 (I edited leading zeros in for clarity):
[[072], [020], [030, 303]]