I'm trying to us the theme hook the style some checkboxes. I have used the form_alter hook to make some changes to the labels of each checkbox and now i would like to interact with the checkbox theme function to style the labels.
In the form array it says
#theme (String, 20 characters ) select_as_checkboxes
is this the function i need to override? And how do i do this? I tried stuff like
function mymodule_select_as_checkboxes()
but i can't get it to work
function my_module_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
// Register theme_function to use the module custom function
if (!empty($theme_registry['select_as_checkboxes'])) {
$theme_registry['select_as_checkboxes']['function'] = 'my_module_select_as_checkboxes';
Then in the function my_module_select_as_checkboxes create your own function or adapt the original one.