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Returning array from methods C#

I have been wondering, why isn't my method, modifying the array, when I used it as a parameter and made it equal to another array with different values, inside the method? Am I just changing the reference address?

    static void Main()
        string[] array = { "yes", "no", "maybe" };
        TestO(array); // Still "yes", "no", "maybe"

    static void TestO(string[] array)
        string[] secondArray = new string[array.Length]; 
        secondArray[0] = "1";
        secondArray[1] = "2";
        secondArray[2] = "3";
        array = secondArray; 

My guess: I did not modify the array inside the Main(), because when doing array = secondArray; in the Test0() method, I just changed the reference address of array to secondArray.

If my guess is not right, my question is, why exactly is it not getting modified?

(I know that I can just modify Test0() to a string[] return method and return the modified secondArray and pass it on to the array in Main())

Another questions is: If I use the string[] return method, and declare the following:

        static void Main()
        string[] array = { "yes", "no", "maybe" };
        array = TestO(array); 

    static string[] TestO(string[] methodArray)
        string[] secondArray = new string[methodArray.Length];
        secondArray[0] = "1";
        secondArray[1] = "2";
        secondArray[2] = "3";
        return secondArray; 

array = TestO(array); am I just passing the reference address of the secondArray[] to array[] or am I passing only the values of it? (Most probably it will be the reference address, but I wanted to be sure if mistaken)


  • I just changed the reference address of array to secondArray. If my guess is not right, my question is, why exactly is it not getting modified?

    I think you're leaning towards appreciating that there are two references to one data in memory (there are not two data); you have a variable array that points to data. You call a method and another, copy reference is established to the same data. You made a new object, then you pointed the copied reference at the new object, leaving the original reference pointing to the original data, then you threw the copy reference and the new data away.. You're back to the exact same situation you started with.

    Pictorially, line by line, it might look like (I renamed your method argument to arrayX so the difference is obvious):

    enter image description here

    If you decorate the argument with ref and call it with ref there is no copy, so the called method can modify the original reference and point it somewhere else:

    enter image description here

    Note that in either of these cases it's perfectly possible to modify the contents of the array. Doing:

    arrayX[0] = "New data";

    ..would take effect in either case and printing array[0] would show "New data". When modifying the data at the end of the arrow it matters not whether the starting point is an original reference or a copy. This is purely about whether the method has the power to point the original reference passed to it, to a different object or not

    Generally we don't do it. We adopt the style of your second code block - to return the data. It may help to see it as rude - imagine your friend says he'll look after your plant while you're on holiday; you give your keys to your friend. He swaps your plant for a different one that he likes better; you're upset because you had that plant for ten years..

    There are very few reasons to use ref, or the related "power to overwite your reference" - out. Don't use it for "I wanted to return multiple things from my method" - in an OO world we can always return one thing that represents two items of data. We don't need to "return two things"; we can return one thing with two things inside it...

    void GetPerson(ref string name, ref int age)
    //consider a class:
    Person GetPerson()
      return new Person(){ Name = ..., Age = ...}
    //or a Tuple
    (string Name, int Age) GetPerson

    Let the calling method choose whether its own variable should be overwritten, rather than having some "third party" pull that rug from under its feet