I am trying to construct a large sparse matrix with a split-apply-combine approach by separately calling sparse.model.matrix()
from the package Matrix
on subsets of columns of a dataframe and then binding them together into a full matrix. I have to do this because of memory limitations (I can't call sparse.model.matrix on the whole df at once). This process works fine, and I get a list of sparse matrices, but these have different dimensions and when I try to bind them together, I can't.
iris$v6 <- sample(c("a","b","c",NA), 150, replace=TRUE)
iris$v7 <- sample(c("x","y",NA), 150, replace = TRUE)
sparse_m1 <- sparse.model.matrix(~., iris[,1:5])
sparse_m2 <- sparse.model.matrix(~.-1, iris[, 6:7])
[1] 150 7
[1] 71 4
cbind2(sparse_m1, sparse_m2)
Error: Matrices must have same number of rows in cbind2(sparse_m1, sparse_m2)
cbind(sparse_m1, sparse_m2)
Error: Matrices must have same number of rows in cbind2(..1, r)
The matrices have the same row names, just some rows have been omitted from sparse_m2 because they had missing values in both columns. Is there any way to combine them?
I also tried using rbind.fill.matrix()
from the plyr
package, by first transposing and then calling it and then re-transposing, but then I lose column names since row names are ignored in rbind.fill.matrix.
Any ideas?
An old question still in need of an answer...
One approach is to create an empty Matrix of the required dimensions and then populate it:
m12<- Matrix(0,nrow=length(m12.dimnames[[1]]),ncol=length(m12.dimnames[[2]]),dimnames=m12.dimnames)