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bind together sparse model matrices by row names

I am trying to construct a large sparse matrix with a split-apply-combine approach by separately calling sparse.model.matrix() from the package Matrix on subsets of columns of a dataframe and then binding them together into a full matrix. I have to do this because of memory limitations (I can't call sparse.model.matrix on the whole df at once). This process works fine, and I get a list of sparse matrices, but these have different dimensions and when I try to bind them together, I can't.


iris$v6 <- sample(c("a","b","c",NA), 150, replace=TRUE)
iris$v7 <- sample(c("x","y",NA), 150, replace = TRUE)

sparse_m1 <- sparse.model.matrix(~., iris[,1:5])
sparse_m2 <- sparse.model.matrix(~.-1, iris[, 6:7])

[1] 150   7

[1] 71  4

cbind2(sparse_m1, sparse_m2)
Error: Matrices must have same number of rows in cbind2(sparse_m1, sparse_m2)

cbind(sparse_m1, sparse_m2)
Error: Matrices must have same number of rows in cbind2(..1, r)

The matrices have the same row names, just some rows have been omitted from sparse_m2 because they had missing values in both columns. Is there any way to combine them?

I also tried using rbind.fill.matrix() from the plyr package, by first transposing and then calling it and then re-transposing, but then I lose column names since row names are ignored in rbind.fill.matrix.

Any ideas?


  • An old question still in need of an answer...

    One approach is to create an empty Matrix of the required dimensions and then populate it:

    m12<- Matrix(0,nrow=length(m12.dimnames[[1]]),ncol=length(m12.dimnames[[2]]),dimnames=m12.dimnames)