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Combining selectInput and DT::datatable editing in Shiny

I would like to update both a data.frame and a DT::datatable interactively when editing the datatable cells. This works fine but when I use the selectInput function to filter the data.frame and edit cells in another row of the datatable, it just copies the values I edited previously both in the data.frame and datatable. Any suggestions?

Below, is a reproducible example. I guess that this is an issue of reactivity. Being new to Shiny I am still far from mastering that.

library(tidyverse); library(DT); library(shiny)

df <- data.frame(internal_idNew=c(1, 2, 3, 4), col_1=c("this", "is", "a", "column"))

ui <- fluidPage(
  #filter df
  selectInput("s_internal_idNew", "Record id (new)", choices=c(1:nrow(df))),
              #dt output
  server <- function(input, output) {
    #reactive df
    df <- reactiveVal({df})
    #reactive df filtered
    df_showed <- reactiveVal({})
    observeEvent(input$s_internal_idNew, {
      #filter a row matching the internal id
      df_showed(df() %>% filter(internal_idNew==input$s_internal_idNew))
      #render dt
      output$dt <- DT::renderDataTable(df_showed(), editable=list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns =c(0))), options=list(dom = 't', bSort=FALSE, pageLength=1), rownames = FALSE, selection = "none")
      #create proxy dt
      dt_proxy <- dataTableProxy("dt")
      #edit dt
      observeEvent(input$dt_cell_edit, {
        this <- df()
        showed <- df_showed()
        #extract edited value to edit df
        col_name <- showed %>% names() %>% .[input$dt_cell_edit$col+1]
        row_name <- input$s_internal_idNew %>% as.numeric()
        value_name <- coerceValue(input$dt_cell_edit$value, showed[row_name, col_name])
        #store edited values in reactive df
        this[row_name, col_name] <- value_name
        #replace data in datatable
        replaceData(dt_proxy, df_showed(), resetPaging = TRUE, rownames = FALSE)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


  • A few modifications to achieve expected behavior :

    • dtProxy should be created only once at server launch
    • observeEvent(input$dt_cell_edit,...) should be independent of observeEvent(input$s_internal_idNew,...)
    • df_showed() should also be updated, as df()
    library(tidyverse); library(DT); library(shiny)
    df <- data.frame(internal_idNew=c(1, 2, 3, 4), col_1=c("this", "is", "a", "column"))
    ui <- fluidPage(
      #filter df
      selectInput("s_internal_idNew", "Record id (new)", choices=c(1:nrow(df))),
      #dt output
    server <- function(input, output) {
      #reactive df
      df <- reactiveVal({df})
      #reactive df filtered
      df_showed <- reactiveVal({})
      #create proxy dt once
      dt_proxy <- dataTableProxy("dt")
      observeEvent(input$s_internal_idNew, {
        #filter a row matching the internal id
        df_showed(df() %>% filter(internal_idNew==input$s_internal_idNew))
        #render dt
        output$dt <- DT::renderDataTable(df_showed(), editable=list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns =c(0))), options=list(dom = 't', bSort=FALSE, pageLength=1), rownames = FALSE, selection = "none")
        #edit dt - separate from previous reactive
        observeEvent(input$dt_cell_edit, {
          this <- df()
          showed <- df_showed()
          #extract edited value to edit df
          col_name <- showed %>% names() %>% .[input$dt_cell_edit$col+1]
          row_name <- input$s_internal_idNew %>% as.numeric()
          value_name <- coerceValue(input$dt_cell_edit$value, showed[row_name, col_name])
          #store edited values in reactive df
          this[row_name, col_name] <- value_name
          df_showed(this[row_name, ]) # Also updated
          #replace data in datatable
          replaceData(dt_proxy, df_showed(), resetPaging = TRUE, rownames = FALSE)
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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