I'm doing an homework to read a png file through zlib in C and I always have checksum not equal to png crc. How I shoul take from zlib? I've been on it for 5 hours and I'm going crazy.
Thank you for any help/suggestions!
if (ng_utils_open_file("dinosauro_quadrato.png", &png_content))
goto quit;
char* png_signature = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n";
size_t signature_length = SDL_strlen(png_signature);
char* png_file_signature = (char*)SDL_malloc(signature_length + 1);
SDL_strlcpy(png_file_signature, png_content, signature_length + 1);
if (SDL_strcmp(png_signature, png_file_signature) == 0)
SDL_Log("PNG signature valid");
Uint32 offset = 8;
Uint32 chunk_length;
SDL_memcpy(&chunk_length, png_content + offset, 4);
chunk_length = ng_utils_big_to_little_endian(chunk_length);
SDL_Log("Chunk Length: (%d) %d", offset, chunk_length);
offset += 4;
char chunk_type[5];
SDL_strlcpy(chunk_type, png_content + offset, 5);
SDL_Log("Chunk Type: (%d) %s", offset, chunk_type);
offset += 4;
char* chunk_data = (char*)SDL_malloc(chunk_length + 1);
SDL_strlcpy(chunk_data, png_content + offset, chunk_length + 1);
SDL_Log("Chunk Data: (%d) %s", offset, chunk_data);
offset += chunk_length;
Uint32 crc = crc32(0, (unsigned char*)chunk_type, 4);
Uint32 checksum = crc32(crc, (unsigned char*)chunk_data, 4);
Uint32 chunk_crc;
SDL_memcpy(&chunk_crc, png_content + offset, 4);
chunk_crc = ng_utils_big_to_little_endian(chunk_crc);
SDL_Log("Chunk Crc: (%d) %d", offset, chunk_crc);
offset += 4;
//unsigned int crc2 = crc32(0, (unsigned char*)"Hello World", 11);
//printf("crc32 is %u\n", crc2);
if (chunk_crc != checksum)
SDL_Log("%d != %d", chunk_crc, checksum);
goto quit;
SDL_Log("PNG signature invalid");
You're only computing the CRC of the type and the first four bytes of the data. You want Uint32 checksum = crc32(crc, (unsigned char*)chunk_data, chunk_length);