I have been testing a Blazor Server app (ASP.NET Core 6.0) locally for a while with no issues. It authenticates against Azure AD, and everything works fine.
I deployed it to an IIS 10 server on Windows Server 2019 (after installing Websockets, ASP.NET hosting runtime, etc.) and now I can't get past authentication, either locally on the server or remotely.
When I hit the URL, it immediately redirects to the Microsoft Login page, where I enter my username (email), then password, then 2FA challenge, then the yes/no stay logged in page, and then it appears to hang for a short while (although in the tab it is constantly switching between "Working" and "https://login.microsoft.com...") and then it either comes up with Bad Request - Request Too Long, or just "We can't sign you in".
If it's the Bad Request error, then the cookie store will be full of .AspNetCore.Correlation.xxx and .AspNetCore.OpenIdConnectNonce.xxx cookies, which is what makes the headers too long, and creates the bad request. If it's the "we can't sign you in" error, then clicking the three dots, and saying sign out and forget, resets things which will next time result in the Bad Request error.
Just to check that I hadn't done anything stupid, I created a new blank app, using the Blazor Server template, and deployed that in place of my app. Exactly the same thing happened. I could run it locally in VS, but after publishing to IIS, exactly the same Authentication errors.
Does anyone have any ideas or pointers?
OK, for anyone who finds this in the future... it was a simple fix - but there are no error messages which point to it until you look very deeply.
When I set up both my app, and the Blazor template app, I let the scaffolder set them up, and get a secret from the Azure API, which it placed into my local secret store.
When I published the app to IIS, the ClientSecret was not copied.
The quick fix was to simply put the client secret into the appsettings.json file at which point everything came good immediately. The longer fix is to use the server-based secret store.
Apparently the looping was caused by the client secret not being present. :(