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Robotframework datadriver library not able to find a variable from CSV file

I have a problem while trying to set up datadriver library with robot framework. I get to error that one of the variables is not found.

CSV File:



*** Settings ***
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Library     DataDriver  ../testdata/TestData.csv    delimiter=,     encoding=utf-8
Resource    ../resources/login_resources.robot
Suite Setup my browser
Suite Teardown  login_resources.close browsers
Test Template   Invalid Login

*** Test Cases ***
Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}  Default    UserData

*** Keywords ***
Invalid Login 
    [Arguments]     ${username}     ${password}
    input email  ${username}
    input password  ${password}
    click login button
    error message should be visible 

I am getting the below error:

DDT2 csv                                                                      
Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}                | FAIL |
Variable '${username}' not found.
[ WARN ] Multiple test cases with name 'Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}' executed in test suite 'DDT2 csv'.
Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}                | FAIL |
Variable '${username}' not found.
[ WARN ] Multiple test cases with name 'Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}' executed in test suite 'DDT2 csv'.
Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}                | FAIL |
Variable '${username}' not found.
DDT2 csv                                                              | FAIL |
3 tests, 0 passed, 3 failed

Can anyone please help me out?


  • I'm no expert on this library but it looks to me like the delimiter arg is overwritten by the default dialect settings and is remaining as ";" even when you try the override.

    It could be worth trying arg dialect=excel as this defaults to ',' delimiter


    *** Settings ***
    Library     SeleniumLibrary
    Library     DataDriver  ../testdata/TestData.csv     dialect=excel    encoding=utf-8
    Resource    ../resources/login_resources.robot
    Suite Setup my browser
    Suite Teardown  login_resources.close browsers
    Test Template   Invalid Login
    *** Test Cases ***
    Doing Test Credentials for ${username} and ${password}  Default    UserData
    *** Keywords ***
    Invalid Login 
        [Arguments]     ${username}     ${password}
        log to console  ${username}
        log to console  ${password}

    You may also need *** Test Cases *** column in your csv as I believe it's a required column, something like below:

    *** Test Cases ***,${username},${password}