labelImg command gives me the following error on my installation and I am unable to figure out a fix for the problem.
OS: Windows PyQt version: PyQt5 Python version: 3.7
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1649, in <module>
File "", line 1645, in main
app, _win = get_main_app(sys.argv)
File "", line 1638, in get_main_app
File "", line 124, in __init__
self.use_default_label_checkbox = QCheckBox(get_str('useDefaultLabel'))
File "", line 87, in <lambda>
get_str = lambda str_id: self.string_bundle.get_string(str_id)
File "D:\Study\LV\rice_payment_support\venv\labelImg\libs\", line 47, in get_string
assert(string_id in self.id_to_message), "Missing string id : " + string_id
AssertionError: Missing string id : useDefaultLabel
Thanks for your help
I just followed this links installation for labelImg
from the terminal install labelImg
>pip3 install labelImg
then run