hello I'm having trouble on how to interpolate the object from rest API, I can see the objects in console log but I can't bind it in a label to my table
this is the object I want to interpolate in my table
clerk: name: "May Anne" [[Prototype]]: Object
this is my service.ts
//fetch discounte Bill
fetchDiscountedBill(): Observable<any>{
return this.http.get(this.baseUrl + '/discountedBill');
this is the model.ts
export class BillingModel{
clerk : {
name: string;
I call the model.ts to my table.component.ts with this
billingModel: BillingModel = {
clerk: {
name: ''
and create a method with this
this.dataStorageService.fetchDiscountedBill().subscribe(resp => {
this.billingModel = data;;
}, err => {
and this is the label I want to interpolate or bind the object
<td colspan="4">Attending Clerk: </td>
Please help thank you!
In your ts file within subscribe, you can assign the value as:
this.billingModel.clerk = resp.clerk;
and then display the clerk name within your html template using interpolation as:
If your HTTP response data structure matches your defined model, then you can use the same type in your service class method as:
fetchDiscountedBill(): Observable<BillingModel> {
return this.http.get<BillingModel>(this.baseUrl + '/discountedBill');
and within subscribe you can simply do:
this.billingModel = resp;
Also when defining your model, you don't need to define it as a class
, but can define it as an interface:
export interface BillingModel {
clerk: {
name: string;