My app is using 4 different fonts (condensed, normal, bold and thin) and I want to know how many users are using which one. This is my code:
FirebaseAnalytics analytics = FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(activity);
analytics.setUserProperty(PROPERTY_FONT_TYPE, "" + getFontType());
I also added this PROPERTY_FONT_TYPE in my firebase console in the part Analytics -> Custom definitions.
How (and where) can I see a graph/pie how many users are using which font?
Firebase console seems to be extremely un-intuitive.
This can be done - but in the Google Analytics console not the Firebase Console. Every Firebase Analytics project (now) has a corresponding Google Analytics 4 property, where a "free-form" exploration can be used to view a pie chart.
Step 1
Press the 'View more in Google Analytics button' in the analytics dashboard of the Firebase console.
Step 2
Navigate to the "explore" page in Google Analytics.
Step 3
Create a new 'free-form' exploration.
Step 4
Change the visualisation to a 'doughnut chart'.
Step 5
Remove the default dimension and then add the new dimension that you are interested in (in this case "PROPERTY_FONT_TYPE"). Drag this to under 'breakdowns' (where the default 'Town/city' dimension was).
Step 6
You can now view a pie chart of your custom user property.
The 'exploration' is automatically saved so you can come back to it later.