I have a doubt about how to update a component, I am making a web app with Angular (lastest version) and I am using ngRx to manage the state.
my web has a Gridview with items where each item is a component (see the image)
Now, I want to update the data inside of ItemComponent, for example the first one item (without add a subcriber in every Item component) but I don't know how to do it.
What is the best way to do this? I want to update any item totally independient between them because if I add a subscribe inside the ItemComponent then I will have to add an conditional to check the component id and exclude it if it's different
I hope I have explained correctly
Grid view component template:
<grid-view-item *ngFor="item of items$ | async" [item]="item"></grid-view-item>
Grid view component class:
items$ = this.store.select(selectItems);
Grid view item component template:
<p>Name: {{ item.name }} </p>
// etc
Grid view item component class:
@Input item: GridViewItem;
// call this depending on your implementation
onEdited(updatedItem: GridViewItem){
Replace the updated item, leave the rest as they are:
on(gridViewItemUpdatedAction, (state, { updatedItem }) => ({
items: items.map(item => item.id === updatedItem .id ? updatedItem : item)