I'm LaTeX newbe and trying to make a document with some requirements. Searching for similiar issues here and through whole internet gave me no result. The point is to remove the long chapter name second (third, fourth...) line indent within the TOC.
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\newcommand{\acronymsname}{This is a long, really long name for acronyms list to show how it looks within the Table of Contents}
\item[\(E\)] --- E-letter
\item[\(j\)] --- j-letter
\item[\(k\)] --- k-letter
Introduction text.
\chapter{First Chapter}
First Chapter text.
\section{Section One in the 1st Chapter}
...Some text...
\subsection{Subsection N1 within 1.1}
...New text...
\subsection{Subsection N2 within 1.1}
...Other text...
\section{Section Two in the 1st Chapter}
...More text...
\chapter{Second Chapter --- This Chapter Name is Really Long Too as Well as Acronyms List so it May Take at Least Two Strings}
Second Chapter text.
\section{Section One in the 2nd Chapter}
...Some text...
\section{Section Two in the 2nd Chapter}
...More text...
I assume the "tocloft" package may help me. Or not....? Thanks for your help!
Two different solutions are posted Here - First and Here - Second . Both of them are working and qualitative.