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Return a number of how many times an attribute has been used in XML using XQuery

I have an XML file that looks like this:

<INHABITANT Year="1990" Gender="M">John Doe</INHABITANT>
<INHABITANT Year="1990" Gender="F">Jane Doe</INHABITANT>
<INHABITANT Year="1990" Gender="M">John Doe</INHABITANT>

Using XQuery I need to return this:


How would I go about doing this? What would the code be for this? As I understand XQuery is for XML what SQL is for databases, so that kind of gives me an idea. This is for a school project that requires XQuery and I have 0 experience with this.


  • One possible solution is as follows:

    let $doc := document {
              <INHABITANT Year="1990" Gender="M">John Doe</INHABITANT>
              <INHABITANT Year="1990" Gender="F">Jane Doe</INHABITANT>
              <INHABITANT Year="1990" Gender="M">John Doe</INHABITANT>
    return element GENDERS {
      let $genders := $doc//INHABITANT/@Gender
      return (
        element FEMALES { count($genders[. = 'F']) },
        element MALES   { count($genders[. = 'M']) }